Updated Federal Health Guidelines Recognize Positive Benefits of Clean Carpet

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Carpet continues to offer many benefits, but improved indoor air quality is among the most important. The National Institute of Health and The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute have recently updated federal guidelines regarding asthma and allergies. The latest research states that carpet does not harm air quality, it can actually improve air quality! Yes, you read that right; carpets can actually improve air quality by trapping particles, dirt, and debris which keeps them out of the air you breathe.

People are now spending 90 percent of their time indoors, which means the quality of the air we breathe continues to grow in importance. The more time you spend indoors, the more your carpet will continue to capture all of the particles, dirt, and debris, tracked in dirt from pets, kids, and shoes, which means your carpet probably needs a DEEP clean!

Sammamish Carpet & Upholstery cleaning can provide you with the professional equipment and cleaning services that your carpet needs. Our carpet cleaning methods utilize state-of-the-art hydromaster truck-mounted steam cleaning equipment and environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Our cleaning equipment generates water temperatures up to 240 degrees, which when combined with our eco-friendly cleaning solutions virtually liquefy the soils in your carpet.  In addition, our high-volume extraction equipment eliminates the suspended soils and water.  Deodorizers are applied if necessary or upon your request, leaving you with a carpet that is lush, clean and fresh-smelling.

We have made scheduling an appointment as easy as one click! All you have to do is click this post to schedule your professional carpet cleaning and we will help you continue living in an environment with clean air and clean carpets!

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Samish Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, LLC offer Sammamish cleaning specials for all customers in need of top-notch service.