What is Steam Carpet Cleaning?

sammamish carpet cleaning crew

Sammamish Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning uses Truck-mounted steam carpet cleaning.  This is a method of deep cleaning carpets using specialized equipment mounted on a truck or van. It is a highly effective and efficient way to remove dirt, stains, and allergens from carpets, leaving them clean, fresh, and almost dry.

Here’s how our steam carpet cleaning process works:


A professional carpet cleaner will inspect the carpet to assess its condition, identify any specific stains or areas of concern, and determine the appropriate cleaning method.


Before the steam cleaning process begins, any heavily soiled areas or stains may be pre-treated with specialized cleaning solutions. These solutions help break down dirt, grease, and stains, making them easier to remove during the cleaning process.

Steam Cleaning

The truck-mounted steam cleaning equipment consists of a powerful vacuum system and a high-pressure steam generator. The technician will use a wand attached to the equipment to inject hot water and cleaning solution deep into the carpet fibers. The steam helps to loosen dirt, debris, and stains, while the vacuum system simultaneously extracts the dirt and excess moisture from the carpet. The high temperature water sanitizes while it cleans. 


The extraction process is crucial for removing the loosened dirt, grime, and cleaning solution from the carpet. The powerful vacuum system mounted on the truck effectively removes the moisture and dirt, leaving the carpet clean and almost dry. 


While truck-mounted steam cleaning significantly reduces drying times compared to traditional methods, some moisture may still remain in the carpet. To expedite the drying process, create air flow with fans or open windows and doors to increase air circulation.

Final Inspection

Once the carpet is dry, the technician will inspect the carpet to ensure that all stains have been removed and the carpet is clean and fresh.

Truck-mounted steam carpet cleaning offers several advantages:

Powerful Cleaning

The equipment used in truck-mounted steam cleaning is more powerful than portable machines, resulting in a deeper and more thorough clean.


Since the equipment is mounted on a truck or van, it eliminates the need to transport heavy equipment into the building, saving time and effort.

Fast Drying Times

The combination of high-pressure steam and powerful extraction results in faster drying times compared to traditional cleaning methods.

Effective Stain Removal

The hot water and steam effectively break down stubborn stains and dirt, leaving carpets looking revitalized.

We provide truck-mounted steam carpet cleaning because it is the best method for cleaning carpets.  It is a highly effective and efficient method for maintaining clean and healthy carpets in residential and commercial spaces. It’s recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned regularly to prolong their lifespan and maintain a healthy environment.  

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Samish Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, LLC offer Sammamish cleaning specials for all customers in need of top-notch service.